Newbie question: How do I select input for mono track

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Newbie question: How do I select input for mono track

Post by paperman »

Hi. I need to know how to select different inputs (mic or guitar) for a mono track.
I use sooperlooper in Ubuntu. I have two recording inputs, my microphone and my guitar. In qjackctl, I connected capture1 (mic) to common_in_1 and capture2 (guitar) to common_in_2. whenever I create a stereo track, it records both my mic and guitar. when I create a mono track, it only records the first input (mic) and I don't know how I can change it to only record guitar. Thanks :)
Qjackctl connections
Qjackctl connections
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Re: Newbie question: How do I select input for mono track

Post by jesse »

If you generally only want to record one input at a time, use mono loop instances in SooperLooper, and instead of using the common_in_*, use the loopX_in_1 ports and don't route your capture ports to common_in* at all. For example, make two different loop instances in SL, both mono, use the first one (loop0) for mic, and loop1 for guitar. Then in qjackctl, route system:capture_1 to sooperlooper:loop0_in_1, and route system:capture_2 to sooperlooper:loop1_in_1. Don't route anything to SL's common_in ports.

Does that help?
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Re: Newbie question: How do I select input for mono track

Post by paperman »

Of course that is one way to do it. But that means that I have to connect jack connections for every loop track I add which is not ideal. It would be easier if I could connect my instruments to SL's common_in ports once and then choose which input a mono track should listen to inside SooperLooper. Don't you agree? Is there such feature?

Well, on a side note, maybe I'm adding too many tracks and I should just create a session with certain number of tracks and connections and use overdubbing, etc...
But still, I think it would be great to do it inside SooperLooper :)
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